Video Production team of The Salvation Army Australia

Salvos Studios

Salvos Studios is the media production team of The Salvation Army locate in Sydney and Melbourne. We are dedicated to providing Salvation Army churches and services with professional media content that is engaging, challenging and relevant to contemporary culture.

Our team creates a wide range of short films, promotional videos, music, live streaming and other Christian resources to impact people’s lives. Our resources are free for use in church services and programs, social services, chaplaincy settings and for personal engagement with God.

Salvos Studios fully embraces the mission of The Salvation Army in Australia. The Salvation Army is a Christian movement, dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus by;


Creating Faith Pathways

Through narrative, instruction and spiritual content, we help people deepen their relationship with God, expanding ways of thinking about and experiencing faith in the context of their lives.

Working for Justice

Through our content, we aim to bring to light social issues and questions of justice, inspiring people to action and supporting the work of those who seek change.

Caring for People

By engaging culture, we enable people to connect with each other, opening people to the stories of others and aiding in the creation of a caring community.

Building Healtly Communities

By sharing the stories and ideas with one another, seek to foster mutual understanding and empathy between people. When we all seek to understand each other's stories, a more unified community is formed.